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  • Price matching

    Most of our products have a Price Match Guarantee badge on their product page. If you find an eligible item advertised at a lower price by another retailer within 14 days of purchase, we will match it subject to verification and the terms below.
  • Using a promo code

    Promo codes can easily be redeemed in your shopping cart. Once subscribed for at least 24 hours you will be able to use our newsletter promo codes. Some restrictions may apply.
  • Free gift item

    Some items offer a free gift with purchase. Free gifts are generally split into a separate order.
  • Mail-in rebates

    For your convenience, Newegg advertises current Manufacturer rebates on our website. If an item comes with a mail-in rebate, we’ll...
  • Price quotes

    If you would like to check the price, shipping cost, or availability of an item, just add the items to your shopping cart then update your postal code. Shipping and taxes will be calculated automatically.
  • Promotions Policy

    For Quebec consumers, a French version of this policy is available at link . Pour les consommateurs résidents au Québec, la...
  • Promotion code errors

    If you receive an error message when you try to apply a promo code to your order, it may be...